Saint Joseph's Catholic Church
Newport, RI
To date we have only received ~40% of ticket stubs/payment
for Major Raffle tickets that were handed out or mailed out.
PLEASE return at Masses this weekend (or to Rectory).
for St. Patrick's Day Parade Fundraiser
(morning of Saturday March 15th)
- sign up sheets will be at all Masses
St. Joseph's Major Raffle has kicked off!
Chances to win CASH prizes: $1,000, $500, $300, and 2-$100!
Each ticket $5: pay by cash, check or Venmo
Drawing: Sat. March 15 at St. Patrick’s Day Parade Fundraiser
(see below flyer for more information)
If you haven't returned your ticket stubs and payments for the Major Raffle, please do so at this weekend's Masses or mail to/drop off at the Rectory (Mon.-Wed.).
If you haven't yet received your tickets, or would like more, here are options:
- Pick up at the Rectory
- Contact us on this Website
- Message us on Facebook
- ... or email: or call/text 978 729 0206
All proceeds go towards heating costs for the church during this winter.
Become a "seller" & get a chance to win gift cards.
Thank you!
Thank you to all joined the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration on Dec. 15.
It was inspiring to see so many of our brothers & sisters from Latin America come together with such deep respect and vibrant faith for La Virgen de Guadalupe and our Lord!
(click on button below for pictures)
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9AM to 2PM
5 Mann Avenue; phone: 401-847-0065
Sunday Masses:
Vigil (Saturday evening): 5:15PM
Sunday Morning: 7:00AM & 10:30AM
Misa Dominical en Español 6:30PM
​Daily Mass:
Monday* and Thursday: 12:05PM
*Federal Holidays: 9:00AM (i.e. Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day) but please double check the bulletin
Pictures from inside our Church Basement of volunteers & visitors:
Our Church Tour signs ~ we had many visitors from near & far ~ the crowds on Broadway were great :
Join together in song, under the talented direction of Music director, Denis Tetreault. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings before Mass in the Choir Loft. Sing at 10:30am Sunday Mass. Contact Dennis after any weekend Mass.
Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who would like to assist the priest at the liturgy, please contact Fr. Hiep after Mass.
Should you be interested in helping with the preparation of parents for baptism, please contact
Thank you for all your hard work in keeping our grounds beautiful! Thank you, the parishioners, for your pride in our parish property.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Joseph Parish. Please contact Fr. Hiep if you have any interest.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. Please consult the RCIA page.
Soup Kitchen:
Monday 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Food Pantry: Monday 11:30AM - 12:30PM;
Tuesday & Wednesday
Emergency Food Pantry or Financial Assistance:
Please call 401-258-5773